The History of Whoo Bichup Special Set 3pc
- Rp 400.000 Rp 300.000
- Availability: In Stock
Bichup set 3 pc
First care moisture antiaging essence (Soonhwan essence ) 15ml
Self generating antiaging essence (Jasaeng essence) 8ml
Jayoon cream 8 ml
IDR 300.000
Exp 2021
1. whoo bichup soon hwan essence 8ml
The Bichup Soonhwan Essence is the first step essence of Whoo, which creates your skin a radiant appearance by improving skin metabolism and blood circulation that is a fundamental factor in appearing healthy skin.
It contains 'Gongjinbidan (a moist medium)' which is one of the secret formula used in the royal court, and 'Haeulhwan' which helps a circulation. The key ingredients enable your beauty to enhance as soothing a swelling and fever on your face and promoting vital energy.
2. whoo bichup ja saeng essence 8ml
Bichup Ja Saeng Essence is the typical essence of 'The history of Whoo' which cares every skin troubles. It contains 'Chojahabidan' which has skin self-generation effect and 'Gongjinbidan','Gyeongokbidan','Cheongsimbidan' which are three secret noble processes from Royal court. You can experience self-generation, wrinkle improvement, moisturizing, elasticity improvement and better complexion of skin with continuous use of Bichup Ja Saeng Essence for more than 2 weeks.
3. whoo bichup ja yoon cream 8ml
Bichup Ja Yoon Cream is an anti-aging cream that not only provides preventive aging benefits but also takes care of the skin's natural radiance. It is a multi-tasker cream for women with dull and wrinkle skin concerns.
urutan penggunaan :
soon hwan essence >> ja saeng essence >> ja yoon cream
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